Summary of the business
Established 30 years ago and operating under the current management since 2018, the business provides sales and services on a wide range of SXS and power equipment. It carries an extensive selection of brands of the products it carries. Moreover, it provides after sales services to its customers, cultivating great relationships and building rapport with each customer.
The business occupies spacious premises along a major arterial road, enabling ample exposure and accessibility. Its vast premises include an exhibition space for motorised product displays and a workshop facility for service and repair. The all-inclusive feature facilitates excellent customer experiences and encourages repeat patronage.
The business has two owners working full-time to execute sales as well as perform operational and administrative functions. The owners are assisted by a dynamic team comprised of managers and mechanics to ensure quality of service and efficient workflow. Additionally, its internal structure provides sufficient support to maintain operations at its current level.
As a renowned destination for retail and services of industrial tools and light utility vehicles, the business presents a remarkable opportunity for potential purchasers to enter a sustainable industry as a well-positioned market leader.
*** Please note: We have used stock photos to protect the confidentiality and goodwill of the business. The pictures are indicative only.